The number one thing holding you back from ACHIEVING your goals

What is the number one thing blocking you from achieving your goals?


Hate to call you out on it, but it is true. 

It isn’t time or money or resources or experience, these are obstacles and challenges, YES absolutely. But these are not the reasons why you are not achieving your goals. It is you. 

Let me unpack this a little, before pointing fingers and playing the blame game too hastley.

It is the stories that you are telling yourself that you believe to be true that are blocking you from achieving (and believing you can) your goals. 

Sounds simple but it isn’t as easy at is sounds to get your head around. 

It is the stories like … 
‘I don’t have enough experience to apply for that role’
‘They will never go for part time work, and really I can't afford to work part time’ 
‘I don’t have time to do extra study’
‘I cannot afford to move interstate’
‘I don’t have time to complete the career plan template’ 
‘I don’t have enough money’ 
‘I’m not smart enough to do that job’
‘You need to work hard to be successful’ 

These are simply stories that you tell yourself that you believe to be true. Generally, we believe these stories to be true because past experiences have shown us that this is the case. This may be in our lives or the lives of others that we have witnessed. We may not have evidence close at hand to prove to us that isn’t in fact the case. We are not at fault. This is the case for everyone. We all have stories that we tell ourselves about a whole range of topics. Career, money, relationships, friendships, health, you name it. You will have a story. 

My challenge to you is to ask yourself - is this the truth? Or is this just a story that I am telling myself? 

To really understand this, I ask my clients to write down their story, what they are telling themselves about the situations and highlighting the areas that are actually truth. That you have had evidence that it is fact. I then challenge them on this as majority of the time, they are believing old patterns and stories about themselves that are holding them back or limiting themselves from achieving their goals. These stories becomes limiting beliefs that play havoc on your life, career and wealth. 

I’ll give you a personal example about my own situation.

I had a story that I kept telling myself (it would literally spiral around in my head) that if people knew I was dyslexic that they would not take me seriously and think I am ‘dumb’. Now - to you, you would think this is ridiculous. People would not think you are dumb and what a terrible thing to tell yourself. Totally agree - but I honestly told myself this and believed it to be true. 

I had an experience in high school where a teacher told me that I was not suitable for university and, I quote “find a new dream” - simply becuase of my learning difficulty. Now for a young adolescent this was soul crushing and I was devastated. At the time, I felt that it gave me more determination to achieve that goal and go to Uni, which I did. Little did I know, this comment would later be engrained in my mind coming to surface every time I wanted to level up, try something new or build my career. It created a belief about myself that I was incapable and unable to succeed. 

In this example a past experience created a story that I played on repeat to myself. This as holding me back, limiting my potential and simply was not true. 

When I sat with this story and unpacked it -I asked myself was elements of it was actually true? When people found out that I am dyslexic, have they treated me differently? No. Do people come to me for advice and support? Yes. Does being dyslexic define who I am and my potential and capabilities? No. 

This story was simply NOT TRUE. 

Other examples my clients have come to me with is. 

I am just not good at interview? Really? Why? Because you had one bad experience? Does this make you bad at interviews? No.

My company will not allow me to go part time? Really? Why? Have you asked the question? Can you research job sharing? Is it your ego who is telling this story? 

I don’t have enough experience to apply for that job? Really? Why? Are they specifically asking for a level of experience? Have people previously applied for and granted roles with little to no experience, yes? Have you got transferable skills? 

And a comment one - I had to reframe this story recently myself. 

I don’t have enough time. Really? Why? How much time do you spend on your phone? How much time do you spend in front of the TV? Is there something you can give up to help support? 

I challenge you to ask yourself theses questions to help get out of your head and back into alignment with what you want and what you want to achieve. 

  1. Why haven’t I reached you goal yet? 

  2. WHY again? 

  3. Is something something deeper, unconcious even, be holding me back?

  4. Is this a story? 

    1. Step 1 . Write out the situation or scenario for example. I cannot be a teacher becuase I am dyslexic? No one will want to be taught be someone with a learning difficulty. 

    2. Step 2. Research. Do you know of anyone, friends of friends who are teachers? Ask them if they know of anyone who has a learning difficulty and teaching (I know of people, so I know they are out there and therefore, this situation is not true). 

    3. Step 3. Think outside of the square. If this still feel unconformble to you, or unbelievable. What else can you do in that space to move your closer to your goal? Can you support people with learning difficulties? SSO work? Can you develop your skills and build strategies to help support you in that work? Can you team teach? 

    4. Step 4. Rewrite your story. I have everthing I need to support my dream of becoming a teacher. I am more than capable of becoming a teacher. 

How does that feel? Give these questions a go and see what comes up. Like I said, the idea is to get out of your head and really feel into what is holding you back. 

I believe in you.