I’m on a mission to help you grow beyond the limitations that are keeping your career dreams at arm’s length.    

Let’s unearth your unique skills and find what is authentic to you so you can navigate towards your dream career without the self doubt and confusion.

I believe everyone is a genius. I believe that with effort, continued learning and belief you can turn ability into accomplishments, every time. 

And with this, you have the power to create and change your own path. 

Step into the next season of your career with clarity, confidence and direction.


You feel out of alignment and disconnected with your career. You are seeking clarity and direction in your career and longing to find something that brings purpose and meaning to what you do.
Let’s get clear on your direction!

Looking for a job? Does the job seeking world make you feel nervous?

I can help!

You are mid way in your career and seeking strategy and direction on your next step.
I can support you reach your career goals with a clear plan and strategy.


I work with women who are at the end of the life cycle of their current career and ready to transition to their next career move. I help women make their next career move with confidence — not matter where they are on their professional path.

I work with women to overcome labels and release limitation, to feel fully confident in their abilities and to tap into their true potential.

I am passionate about supporting ambitious women and unique learners who are on a mission to take charge of their career and learn deeply about themselves and their capabilities.  

I’m here to support you and your career.


Nail your application & land your dream job with this FREE ApplicationToolkit  

A complete guidebook that covers my top three tips for three critical stages of the application process.
