Authentically ME

Who am I?

I’m a mother
I’m a wife
I’m a daughter
I’m a sister
I’m a friend
I’m a career adviser

But who am I? 

Who am I when I don’t notice time? Who am I when I feel the most connected to myself? Who am I when I am alone? Who am I when I am doing my life's work? Who am I when I am in deep conversation? Who am I when I am relaxed? Who am I when I am comfortable? 

Let me tell you…

I wear my emotions on the outside, you can tell when I am happy, sad or enthusiastic. I am an extrovert but love my quiet time, alone. I am a sharer but consciously listen to others. I am deeply empathic and can truly feel for others. I am extremely diplomatic and can genuinely see other sides of the story, in fact that is my natural go to. 

I can get stressed and anxious when I feel overwhelmed. I tend to go go go and forget to stop. I get an idea and want to do it now! Live bands are my vice. I live for music that touches your soul, music you can feel. I am extremely fussy with my drink of choice, alcohol, coffee, water and the like. But food, I will give anything a go (although I have been pescatarian for many years). I don’t find sarcastic humor funny. I find it annoying. I love entertaining and equally love the feeling of everyone going home. I find mess clutters my mind. 

I have a deep deep desire to support people to truly understand what it is they are naturally good at and apply that to their job. To feel connected, driven and work in a space that brings them meaning because I did not have this for so so long. In fact, I fought against this for over a decade as I believed it was because I am dyslexic I needed to try harder, work harder and it was me - not the fact that I was in a role that was not aligned to my strengths, interests and passion. Not realizing that if you understand more about who you are, what generally interests you, understand what you are naturally good at and foster your strengths, work becomes something that you enjoy and is empowering. 

In reflection, careers have been in my trajectory from the get go, I just needed to move through various careers which have led me to this space. From a career blog since 2014 to mentoring recent graduates, from personal branding expert, from organically being asked to offer career guidance to being a qualified career practitioner and a career coach. 

I am a Career Transition Coach, here to support you to find what you are naturally good at and align that to a career. 

Offering Authentically YOU

Align your work with your authentic self so you can confidently and comfortably position yourself as an expert minus imposter syndrome and not get caught up in the career rat race. 

A 6 week program supporting you to be more Authentically YOU. 

Click HERE if you would like to be sent the information sheet with all the details (modules, program outline, cost etc).

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