Pride and your career

Let's talk about pride and your career. 

Before we do that, let’s sit and reflect on how you feel about other people's success? Maybe those you went to University with or school even. Maybe they are in positions you expected to be in or went in career directions you feel envious of. Or a trap I know I have to catch myself in, is the social media comparison that can leave you creating all kinds of stories about other people's success simply by their highlight reel. Either way, it leaves you feeling inadequate, frustrated or pissed off even, that you don't have THAT success.

It’s comparison. It’s envy. It’s jealousy. 

It is almost seeking their success for you so much you want to mold to their identity. To be them, to have their personality creating this idea of what it looks like to be successful and doing everything we can to make sure we are that. Moving further and further away from ourselves. 

I know this because this was me. I was so focused on who I needed to be to be successful according to this image I had created. I would automatically deem them to be smarter, more confident, more creative, more productive than me. I went as far as making sure I was the first to arrive and last to leave the office so I would be seen as being successful because part of success to me was being busy. This way of working felt so far removed from who I was it was simply unsustainable. 

But what if you felt so proud of what you do it excites you to hear others stories about their career and successes. When you scroll instagram you think to yourself ‘go on you, that looks fabulous, for YOU’. When people ask what you are up to, you passionately tell them with ease and pride, not boosting up your job title or company stats to make it sound more impressive.  

Because when you feel proud of the work you do, comparison melts away. You move from feeling envious or jealous of others' success because you feel connected to what you do - and feel that success for yourself - it really doesn’t matter. 

To feel so comfortable with who you are and proud of the person that it, your work, your career naturally generates meaning and purpose. 

HOW? Because you are authentic. When you are being authentic and connected to you, you will move into a career that feels right for you. And as soon as it feels ‘off’ or out of alignments, you will notice this and make adjustments to support your authenticity. 

For me, this was the single most important step in my career transition. In order for me to truly connect with what I wanted to do, I need to understand who I was and what I was good at. 

This work in itself will make you feel proud. You will reflect on that time when other people's success made you feel jealous. When you wanted their identity and would spend so much energy trying to create it. When you celebrate other people's success, you feel generally happy for them because you are so proud of the work you do because it is meaningful and authentic to YOU. 

This is why I feel so aligned with introducing to you AUTHENTICALLY YOU - in this program, I take you through a process that will do just that! Connect you with YOU so you truly understand who you are, what you are good at and Authentically YOU. 

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Claire Curyer