Set yourself a goal

TIP 3 - Set yourself some goals

Please don’t run away and stick with me on this one. 

When I talk about goals with my clients (and students at uni) I get the eye roll and the ‘I know, I know’ I need to set career goals… how boring. I get it. I do! BUT It is one of the most fundamental ways in which you can and WILL achieve your ideal dream career. 

It is proven, research shows you will more likely achieve your goals if you write them (let alone actually set some). 

So let’s do this. Let’s actually set some Career Goals, in an easy fun and practical way. 

Some key steps you need to do before you start.

  1. Be in your happy place. Get in alignment, feel good and motivated space first. This will make the process more enjoyable and fun which will result in goals that are coming from a happy place not a negative, hard, frustrating one. Some ideas… go for a walk, clear your head, pop some music on, grab a cuppa or glass of wine, get out the color pencils and paper. Go to a coffee shop and find yourself a cozy little nook. Be in an environment and headspace that is going to ensure you are productive, inspired and creative. 

  2. Clarity. Before you start getting clarity around your goal is key. Without this, your goal will fall by the waste line. 

  3. Your goal must be challenging yet realistic. It is that sweet spot. For the purpose of this exercise and getting some runs on the board, let's look to 1 - 2 years into the future for your main goal and from this, you can have smaller actions to help support that goal. Creating your goal that is realistic will help you keep the focus but momentum and see that you can actually achieve what you want. Being challenged by this will ensure growth and development.

Now for the goal setting. 

I will walk you through a simple step by step process to start to build a key career goal. 

  1. Think about yourself in 1 - 2 years time (up to you how far ahead you want to plan your goal depending on where you are in your career). What are you doing? What does it look like?  What does it feel like? What type of things are you doing? 

  2. WHAT IS YOUR GOAL? Write it down in a statement form. 

  3. What is your WHY behind your goal? Why are you doing this? The why will keep you motivated and on track. Whenever you feel disengaged or uninspired, check back in with your why. 

  4. Add a time frame - by when ?

  5. How will it be measured? What will you have done, achieved or completed to know you have achieved your goal? 

  6. What will get in your way? What challenges, blockages or possible scenarios will stop you from achieving your goal? - write them down. 

  7. What will you do, change or who can you call upon to help you navigate any of the challenges should they arise? 

  8. Who can you ask for feedback? Gaining feedback when working towards a goal is incredibly encouraging and helpful for you to keep your focus and support you throughout the process. Is it a family member, your manager, a colleague, a Uni or school friend, a mentor, a coach? 

  9. Set the actions to achieving your goal. What steps do you need to do to ensure you achieve your goal. Work your way back. Break it up into big and small steps, thing that will take time (possibly study or career transitioning) and things that will be simpler (setting up a linkedin profile, changing your career statement). Map out each and every action you need to take to achieve your goal. Tick them off as you go.

  10. Revisit and reflect. Mark milestones within your goal that you can celebrate. Revisit and check in with your goal to ensure they are still on the mark. 

Now it is over to you. If you really want to achieve great things within your career - you must set goals. 

Try this process. Take it one step at a time, rest and revisit until it feels right for you. Make sure you physically write them out whether it is pen and paper or on typed out writing them out will support you in achieving them. 

If you need support with this, please reach out - I would love to help.