Career Transition Story - Erin Carey

Erin came into my sphere through a community we are both apart of and after reaching out to hear and share more amazing career transition stories I was blown away by Erin’s story. It is an incredible journey and one that I know will inspire you to bring those BIG dreams to the surface, re look and know it is possible - Why? Because Erin has proven it to be the case.

Erin Carey is the founder of Roam Generation, a PR and communications agency focusing on helping adventurers, marine brands and experts and inspiring mission-driven organisations, share their unique and inspiring story with the world. 

Erin has 15 years of communications experience in the corporate environment and has interviewed in excess of 1000 people throughout her career. She has an inquisitive nature and loves to ask the big questions, to get to the real heart of the story. 

Roam Generation came about while Erin and her family were living on a yacht and sailing the world’s oceans. However, they weren’t sailors when they came up with the idea of leaving the rat race and sailing away. Without letting that minor detail get in the way, Erin and her husband bought a yacht on the opposite side of the world and went on to cross the Atlantic Ocean a mere 18 months later. 

It was on that journey that she met the most inspiring and incredible people, people that she knew she had to help. Roam Generation was developed to support the adventurers, the inspirers, the dreamer and the doers to continue their lifestyle of freedom and adventure. By sharing her client’s stories through PR and social media, together they are able to inspire more people to step out of their comfort zone and live a life less ordinary. 

Let’s get into the ins and outs of her story …

Tell me, what did you want to do at the very early stages of your career? What was your big career goals then? 

I originally wanted to be a travel agent. I also entertained the idea of being a travel writer for Lonely Planet but I wasn’t really taught how to set goals or reach for the stars, so I didn’t think that was a realistic option.

Can you tell me how you started your career and what you could see was your career trajectory? 

I started my career by studying retail travel at TAFE. As luck would have it, my first position was with the Department of Defence as a travel clerk in the public service. This not only allowed me to meet my husband, but it meant I earnt a lot more money than I would have if I became a travel agent. I worked in the public service for about 17 years, primarily in security and communications.

What are you doing now? 

Now I own my own PR agency called Roam Generation. 

Was there a pivotal moment when you decided to change your career direction? Or what made you decide to change your career? 

Absolutely. My husband and I were watching a documentary about Laura Dekker, the youngest girls to ever sail around the world, on Netflix one evening and we were totally captivated by it. We had never once entertained the idea of sailing around the world, but within weeks of that documentary, we had told all of our friends and family and started to make plans. Twenty-six months later, my husband and I and our three boys were on one-way flights to Grenada in the Caribbean. While living aboard, I noticed a gap in the market. Sailing YouTube channels were spending 50+ hours a week editing one YouTube episode, not to mention the time they were spending on filming, social media, marketing and replying to fans. I wanted to help free up their time so they could spend more time focusing on the things they loved. I was also incredibly inspired by what they were doing, because sailing YouTube channels were a huge part of what kept us motivated in the lead-up to our trip. It became a mission of mine to share the unique and inspiring stories of those living life differently, so more people could experience life beyond the 9-5. Living on a boat and crossing the Atlantic Ocean was definitely the best thing I have ever done. The absolute freedom that came with living and travelling by the wind with my family, allowed me to use my creative freedom to figure out what I really wanted to do with my life, now I can honestly say that I love my job and I have definitely learned how to set and achieve goals. 

Did you know it was what you wanted to do or did you have to do some exploring to find your passion? 

I didn’t even know what PR was 5 years ago! I had to sail halfway around the world to figure out what I wanted to do when I grew up! Along the way I actually became a writer and I still contribute to magazines on a regular basis. I haven’t written for Lonely Planet though…..not yet anyway!!!

Was there any key steps you took to help navigate you towards your new direction? 

I found someone in the industry that I respected and looked up to, and I hired them as a coach and mentor. I also studied and work harder than I’d ever work toward anything in my life, because it didn’t feel like a chore!

What has changed for you since transitioning your career (feelings, well-being, life in general) - and what do you see yourself doing for the next 5 years / career goals now? 

I’ve had a complete mindset shift. I now know that the sky is the limit and I no longer hold my self back out of fear or feelings of ‘not-enoughness’. I feel a sense of freedom that I’ve never felt before, knowing I am in complete control of my own destiny. I feel like my soul has been awakened and my wings are no longer clipped, and I have a passion and desire to work hard like never before! I see myself becoming the go-to person in my niche, running a successful multi six-figure agency. My family and I will return to the water, buy a bigger boat and we will continue to travel the world while I run my PR agency from the cockpit of my yacht.

What advice would you give someone who is deciding to move through a career transition? 

My advice is don’t wait too long, I only wish I had done it sooner. When you quit your job to move full-time into your business, the lack of safety net really propels you forward, knowing failure is no longer an option. Do your homework though, find a mentor and ask lots of questions, and trust your gut!  


I am blown away by the courage and determination of Erin and her family to take life to the next level - what dream / idea / fantasy do you have hiding in your back pocket? Is it that career change? Is it starting your own business? Is it checking out what life looks like in a different state or country? Love to hear what idea this interview has allowed you to explore, please comment below!

Me? It is my dream to re-location to New Zealand for 12 months, or so, it is an idea that I have floated around but never actually done anything to move towards making it happen (apart from a few google searches) I am committing to start the planning process - please hold me accountable, wink wink.


Roam Generation helps adventurers and travel-based individuals and companies to build their empires to the next level so they can maintain their lifestyle. From international press coverage to rapid growth of social followers and impressions, Roam Generation has the expertise and the necessary relationships in the adventure/sailing/travel sector, which builds credibility, audience and sponsorship offers. 

Check out her website - and you can follow Erin over on Facebook HERE or Insta HERE and can read about their boat journey at HERE

If you would like to have a conversation around how you can transition your career, build confidence in your direction with clear actionable steps, I would love to chat - you can find out more here

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