5 ways your ego can show up in your workplace

Ill get straight to it… these are 5 common and repeatable ways your ego can and WILL show up in your workplace

  1. Attending meetings just to be at the meeting 

  2. CCing everyone

  3. The need to be ‘busy’ 

  4. Taking on too many projects 

  5. Being the last to leave 

Are you nodding your head? 

I can up my hands up to ALL OF THESE at one point or another and all at once. It is a slippery slide when your ego starts to show its face more often than not. And it can get to a point that it is running the show. 

What happens? Exhaustion, frustration, fatigue and simply cannot keep up with your ego’s demands. It leaves you feeling anger towards your workplace, your work colleagues, creates friction and gossip leaving you feeling like you are in a place that is not aligned. 

It can create such momentum that you end up going and going and going until you reach this pinacol you felt was what you were after and you get there simply to know it sucks. 

For me, it took having a baby to break this cycle. To spin me out of the ego driven work practices that were not serving me. To constantly show up as a version of myself I felt I needed to be to impress, play the game, climb the ladder, people please. It took a real break from work to stop this flow and I needed it. I needed to shake things up and return back to me. BUT that simply was not the cure, yes it was the realisation that prompted me to start to do the work to ensure I was in touch, connected and staying true to me and my passion. 

Having a baby may not be on the cards for everyone to take some time away from work to be able to rest and reflect. 

Instead try these simple steps to help you come back to yourself when you know your ego is taking over. 

  1. Acknowledge the way your ego may be playing out in your workplace - simply understanding this is powerful 

  2. Practice work related gratitude everyday 

  3. Write your own version of success 

  4. Understand your career personality 

  5. Map out / journal your ideal day 

For me, I found once I removed myself from the ego driven work relationship I had, I realised I was in a profession that I did not enjoy. In a workplace that was not aligned and simply doing work that really did not foster my strengths. This process, doing this work listed above, enabled me to paint a clear picture of how I wanted my career to feel, look and achieve. Which ended in my completely changing my career, feeling aligned, at ease and in a role that lights me up. 

Doing this work is only going to steer you in a direction to self discovery and new opportunities.

How brilliant is that?! 

Still unsure about how ego is playing out in your workplace?

Join my free Mindset Masterclass exposing the 3 biggest mindset challenges stopping you from getting your dream job. Find out more and register HERE

Claire Curyer